Thursday, August 23, 2012

Circuits - VO2 Max - Circuits

Me promoting Community Sports Development
I'm delighted to say that I made it through week one of my training and week two is now pretty much done. I feel good. I feel like i'm making progress, I've lost a reasonable amount of weight in the last 3 weeks, just through two weeks intense exercise and 4 weeks diet. I've dropped 8kg (about the weight of a West Highland Terrier) That puts me down at 115.9kg

I feel alot fitter and stronger than this time last week but that might be because i've reintroduced carbs at a low level back into my diet to get me through training.

Last week was pretty brutal, my legs took a pounding and by the time I got round to circuit training on Thursday I still wasn't sure how I was going to do it. The warm up on the crosstrainer was difficult as my legs were screaming with DOMS but I managed to get to the platform for the circuit. 

The circuit was a muscular endurance circuit that did really test me. 8 sets of 12 repetitions featuring the good old 50% weight (60kg) parallel squat, push ups, TRX rows, Leg raises and sprints. followed by a 21 minute boxing circuit. New levels of tiredness that i've never experienced before.

Michael Cavanagh, kindly gave me a ring at the end of last week and we are moving to set up the Wrestling club at [EN]GAGE. Michael is hopefully donating a bit of time to help out with the coaching, so if you are reading this and interested in Wrestling, get in touch with me and i'll give you all the info when it starts. I can't wait for that! very cool that its happening!

By the end of training last week. It left me wondering how the hell I was going to get through the next 18 months if I could only get up and down the stairs without bending my legs but 3 Stretching sessions later and Monday was back around and i'm still here!

The weekend was Awesome, Giles, one of my best mates got hitched to Becky - it was a cracking day, they lucked out on the wedding and everything went smoothly. I had a few drinks as ordered by Alex but nothing too extreme.

I've also got another in kind Sponsor. Ross Grady is now officially doing my massages as and when required which is fantastic, he knows how to cause me pain (good pain obviously) but another person i'm grateful to have on board.

I rocked in on Monday, actually dreading what was going to happen, but Alex sat me down and told me that week one was all about shocking the body and getting the mindset right to push you to levels that you need to get to and continue on. What a B*****D!

I say that but I got through it and that's the main thing. Week two was a lot more gentle. I'm not into 10 weeks anatomical adaptation and prehab, basically getting my body ready for Hypertrophy and Max Strength. Monday's session was tough but really good and Tuesday's session was later on in the day after Throws with Darren "Bear" Steadwood. It was pretty hard going but I was feeling pretty good. I threw Bear but "accidentally" dropped him on is head, occasionally stuck the knee in his side a few times and landed on him a couple more times. Bear, sweating out 4 days of booze joined me for my circuit as well, it wasn't as phyisically taxing as I would have liked to see bear go through, but it was great for technique, we were squating, overhead (OH) squatting, push pressing, OH lunging, Deadlifting and a few others, all in all the volume was high (160 reps) but the intensity and load were quite low. Still, pretty hard work!

Wednesday hailed a rest day, well I say rest day... I actually find flexibility a bit tough, but I am getting more agile and more flexible as the days go on.

Thursday - Not so fun! I had to do my 1st VO2 Max test in 9 years. Alex will give you a bit more information in the video below:

VO2 Max test
And here is me starting...

This wasn't the most fun I have had over a Thursday much time, but I guess it needed to be done!

Below you will find two video clips... the first is me really beginning to struggle and the other is me at exhaustion. Wonderful stuff!

I keep telling myself that it will all be worth it 2 years down the line if/when I make the Scotland Squad for Glasgow 2014.

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