First off, I wanted to say a thank you to everyone who took time to read my post last month about Andy, I was pretty humbled to get some of the messages and hear from a lot of people I have lost touch with over the years. It was nice to hear from you all, we should try to stay in touch a bit more often.
To start this post... It would be rude to not to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hogmanay!
I am on Christmas break for a couple of weeks and pleased to report that I've managed to dominate the traditional Christmas "Tripoley" (card game consisting of poker and Michigan rummy) stakes at the Wallace residence in Pittenweem and the Lawrenson residence in Aberdeen, so i'm pretty chuffed with all that much to the annoyance of my wife. It has been nice to catch up with everyone, I have been so busy over the last couple of months it's been hard to see family as much as I would have liked so its great to spend a bit of time off the grid. I'm sure everyone finds that.
Whether i'm at home or work I get asked the recurring question - I guess that's because people know that i've taken up wrestling and am trying to earn myself a spot at Glasgow 2014. The question, has moved on from "what is your entrance music going to be? or What is your finishing move?" it's much more general and is as you would expect "How is the Wrestling going?" I have almost developed a standard answer to this and that is - "yeah, it's going good thanks." I normally say that without even thinking about it, so after having a bit of time to reflect I found myself thinking is the wrestling going well? I questioned myself about it after bumping into my neighbour on the train and he said, "Still positive about it all?"
That is a really good question - I think with hindsight and a bit of time to reflect you get a much better picture of where you are mentally and more importantly where you were. I know for a fact that mentally I have been drained and that has has an impact of my physical ability to train. To answer the question truthfully, the answer has to be, yes, I'm confident that my wrestling skills are getting better and i'm a lot more savvy on the mat and know what I'm doing. I had a couple of great wrestling sessions over the last couple of weeks which Steve which have honed in on my strength in attack and helped me with a bit of strategy which is always good. My physical fitness - it's ok, i've not hit the gym as much over the last two months, in part down to time constraints and in part down to niggly injuries but they are really just excuses. I kind of hit a bit of a rut after my injury back in June and i do still have a bit of pain ever now and again. I probably could have trained harder in the gym and I need to, I am going back to it hard in 2014. Sometimes you need a bit of motivation and I found mine. There are only 204 day to Glasgow 2014
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My progress into wrestling has been good, for someone who had never even thought about the sport, i've done all right and more importantly i've enjoyed it and love doing it. I'm reading a book at the moment called "No Helmets Required" by Gavin Willacy. Gav is a really good bloke, passionate about what he does as a sports journalist and Author, I met Gav about 10 years ago now on a Rugby League tour. The book he has written is about an American footballer called Mike Dimitro, who in the 50's who set up the American All Stars to tour Australia, the guy was a complete cowboy but there was a passage in the book where Gavin articulated how I felt a couple of years ago. After Football Mike Dimitro needed that challenge, needed the ability to stiff arm someone and legitimately and legally smash them on the field of play. I know how that feels and that's exactly how I felt when I hung up my rugby boots.
Although my introduction 10 months ago into Wrestling Competition was a brutal one, these days it has taken me past the point where Coach Cavanagh is happy to wrestle me if he can help it, you see, Vio the Scottish Assistant Coach did a head snapping session last time I was through in Glasgow and it did wonders for me, last time I wrestled Michael he said afterwards it was like getting clubbed by a bear which of course made me chuckle.
Michael was kind enough to speak to Sportscotland's Young Person's Sports Panel who were doing a video on commonwealth sports. I know Chris Sellar who is on the panel and he asked if he could get some footage. They did a fantastic job of the video which is below if you want to take a look alternatively click here , Chris Sellar did a great piece and I hope the sport comes across well and it comes across that we are realistic about what can be achieved and if I don't make it to Glasgow 2014. Michael is quite right, I've an outside chance of qualifying but it's still a chance. There is no shame, although it would be nice to show some people, its not about that, i'm doing this for me. If I don't make it, I will reassess, keep fit and try for 2018 games in the Gold Coast.
My qualification date has changed to 23 February (scuppers my 30th plans). For me that is D -Day and I'm nervously excited for it. January is going to herald a month of Wrestling for me, I'm planning to make every session I can and am going to work my arse off in the gym in the run up just to build fitness going into that competition. On the day, I reckon I have an outside chance of qualifying, it depends who turns up and what my side of of the draw looks like, but I will give it everything I've got and hopefully I will be able to come away with a couple of wins and a podium finish, which will see me meet the games qualification criteria! It will be a bit surreal.
Away from the mat, I've actually been trying to get more involved in the sport and i'm delighted to say that after my volunteering interview back in August, I've been offered a "field of play" volunteering post for Glasgow 2014, so if I miss the qualification target I will be there with the best seat in the house! I had a pretty awesome week in the fact that I got an email from Glasgow 2014 about the volunteering, had something through about the Queens Baton Relay and I got accepted to the University of Aberdeen for a MSc Project Management (distance learning). That means if I qualify, I will technically be a student again, provisionally for the next three years which will take me to a decade of studentship! Van Wilder eat your heart out. Not bad for a kid who left Waid Academy with one Higher C in English but that's a story for another day.
I also went along to the Scottish Wrestling Association AGM last month as well, and they put out the plea for volunteers to get involved. Given that I work in Sports Development I thought it would be poor show not to offer my services and experience to the sport. So hopefully will be co-opted onto the board in the new year and can get to work helping to develop the Scottish Governing Body.
That pretty much sums up my thoughts to date. 2013 has been a good year, it's been tough but I think it's only fair that I say a heart felt thank you to a few people who have had a massive influence in my life and without them I wouldn't be in the privileged position I am in. So... thanks to my coaches - Michael, Steven, Vlad and Vio. Alex for all the work he has put in on the S&C side. My friends who have been helping me out along the way and last but most importantly, my family - who never complain about the time away from home, the late nights and the countless journeys around the country. Finally, thanks to those that read this blog, its nice to hear that sometimes people take a bit of inspiration from this little tale of mine.
Happy Hogmanay: All the Best for 2014 - it's going to be a hell of year!
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