The reason for this soreness is in fact the number of wrestling sessions that i've been able to get to this week. As usual we start on the Monday, It was a good session as always with Michael Cavanagh at the helm. The warm up drills were pretty standard, normally I avoid coming last and manage to avoid doing push ups which is a bonus. But there is one exercise that is all about strength and flexibility. It's hard as nails and works better for the more dainty of people. Not the big rigs!
Its hard to describe but basically one person is on their hands and knees anchored into the mat, the other clasps onto their chest and flips into a bridge position before pulling themselves over into the start position. It is pretty much as hard as it sounds. I did it a couple of times and my back made some noises and cracked in places I never knew existed.
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Leg-lace - never get caught! |
Monday's session took its toll on me but as Emma and Cameron had headed up to Aberdeen for a few days I took full advantage and decided to head through to the Palace of Art is Glasgow, its the Scottish Institute of Sport centre of excellence and where Scottish Wrestling base their programme out of. Before going, I had to get my back looked at, I had KCR from Laura to loosen me off, it certainly helped but I was still struggling a bit and decided that a trip to the gym was in order to speak to Alex. Triggerpoint therapy and stretching was the order of the afternoon and Wow, I don't think I have ever been so close to tears in a gym! The x-ball that you use replicates a forearm massage and I had to put that in my back, glutes and also in my hip flexors. That plus some deep stretching had me grimacing, trying not to scream.
I went to the Palace of Art with Martin King, an Edinburgh lad, studying in Dundee who is also embarking on his own #mission2014 but in the 66kg category. He is a good lad, had been wrestling for a couple of years and is really good to watch whilst he is sparring.
Sighthill - Hermiston Gait = 1 hour! |
I don't want to get into a rant on traffic at this time of year. So, I will leave it at this... on Tuesday it took me an hour to do the journey to the right to get to Glasgow and combined my time stuck in traffic jams over 3 days was 6.5 hours! that's almost a full day at work! Those Journeys combined should have taken 1h 40
Anyway, we made it and I was introduced to Viorem (Vio) Etko, former GBR wrestler (originally from Moldova) who is now the Scottish Wrestling Assistant Coach. He was doing some crazy warm up stuff, handstand walks, flips, you name it the man is strong and agile. I obviously don't really know him very well yet, but we got on fairly well and he seems like a dead on guy. I also met Pedram, Iranian Junior Champion, who was my partner for the session. Pedram is still learning English but he gets his point across quite well through demonstration, he is obviously a very natural wrestler and was throwing me around a fair bit. I loved the session, I learnt a lot and it was good to meet some of the people involved. The key thing I learnt was to relax the shoulders and just enjoy it and take my time - technique = slow to ingrain it. They were the key points Pedram wanted to get across.
Too Much Red = Miserable night, miserable journey |
The session when we got there was stretching to start with one of the Institute staff, it was fluid and surprisingly tough. Volodymyr (Head Coach) was there for this session and offered some good advice and as it turns out, i'm a little bit unique. I'm right handed but lead with my left, which makes me a bit of a weirdo when it comes to wrestling, so from now on, i'm going Rocky Balboa and fighting South Paw. Vio, took me firmly under his wing on the Wednesday session and I got a good bit of one on one coaching, more about getting in close and how to use my weight and get control. It was great to have that time, a bit of banter and again I found myself learning a lot. Kindly, Vio said and I quote "to look at you I wouldn't think you were strong - but you do have strength." to which I was at first surprised because I think I look and feel quite strong but then as you find out very quickly in this sport - looks can be very deceiving. Volodymyr also complemented me before I hit the M8 again and said I was pretty quick on my feet for a big guy and that the night was a good start! I don't think you can get too much more positive for an hour and a half of getting thrown around. There is a heck of along way to go but I feel good and meeting the coaches encouraged me to work harder.
My only negative comment on my experience from the palace is that I would like to know where all the Institute Wrestlers were! There are 18 registered on the institute and in total over the two days I think I met and trained with 8 of them. I'll see how many rock up next week!
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The Wrestling mat at [EN]GAGE in all its glory! |
This is the stage that I probably dislike the most with any sort of training regime, I was the same with rugby league. I'm not sure if its the intensive learning and the frustration of not knowing everything, or whether its that I have the goal of Commonwealth Games and really don't know a massive amount about the sport and haven't had a competitive fight yet. I have to keep on pulling myself back and remember that I am still in training and there is plenty of time. I'm not into my physical best yet. I won't be until about March after I have gone through Hypertrophy and Max Strength and Wrestling skills wont come over night. Like I said, there is a long way to go but I think we are on track at the moment, its just a little frustrating!
Finally, I had a bit of a news flash this week as well! The Titan - Simmo is returning to [EN]GAGE on 22 November for a re-match. His comment "get used to looking at the yellow!"
What he doesn't realise is that if I can see the mat and the yellow, he will be looking at the lights on the ceiling, and in that position - in wrestling - its all over! Bring it big fella.
That's all for this week folks. As always, Thanks for taking some time out to read the blog. Hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to share it and a big thank you to all the guys who are taking time out to help and sponsor me for #mission2014 you can find out more about the team and sponsors by clicking the links
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